Jul 20, 2015
Shownotes for DruidCast 100
The Dream - Dragonsfly - http://www.dragonsfly.org
Firebird’s Child - SJ Tucker - http://sjtucker.com
Witch’s Reel - Kellianna - http://www.kellianna.com
The Story of St Nectan (Pt2) - Roland Rotherham - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_Rotherham
A Puppeteer came into Town - Telling the Bees - http://www.tellingthebees.co.uk
If Ever I Stray - Frank Turner - http://frank-turner.com
DruidCast Theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - http://www.paganmusic.co.uk
For more information on the Druid Tradition - http://www.druidry.org