Feb 19, 2009
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode
Midsummer - Poitin - www.reverbnation.com/poitin
Eric Maddern - www.ericmaddern.co.uk
Philip Carr-Gomm - On Magic (Part 2) - www.philipcarrgomm.druidry.org
I’ll be the Moon - Al Lewis - www.myspace.com/allewismusic
Spirit of the Motorway - Barry Patterson - www.redsandstonehill.net
Liv Torc - www.wondermentalist.com
DruidCast Theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - www.paganmusic.co.uk
Making the Mead - Paul Newman - www.myspace.com/sunshinepaul
Follow Damh the Bard on Twitter - www.twitter.com/paganmusic
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