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Dec 19, 2008

Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 21
Bringing the Outside In - The Dolmen (with Damh the Bard) -
God Rest ye Merry Pagan Folk - Willo’s Song -
2nd part of the talk given by Isaac Bonewits at the Atlantis Bookshop -
On Midwinter’s Day - Damh the Bard -
Winter Solstice Night - The Dolmen -
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard -
To find out more about the modern Druid tradition -

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over sixteen years ago

i just like to say thanks for a great show, it has made me feel as if i am not alone in the world. I live in London UK and have always felt pagan but as a child i only knew of the Witch, so as a young adult i became a practising Witch, then after a couple of years i became a Wiccan but now im being drawn toward the Druid side and i now feel like i have found myself. im still alone because i dont know any other pagans around where i live but i dont feel alone in the world no more, again thanks for the show you have made a difference to my life :)

over sixteen years ago

I won the prize? I never win! Woohoo! Thanks :) Elizabeth

over sixteen years ago

Not sure if my first post went through, but wanted to write to say thanks, looking forward to listening to the CD.